Oh Orlando! Woke up on the first day here mesmerized by the palm trees and the warmth and then the all-encompassing rain that is in such stark contrast to the constant northwest drizzle I am so used to.

Particularly memorable things...
The Abbey Theater, lit with a blue, twilight wash before tech rehearsal. Knowing this space was magical.
Arriving for tech, so stressed about loading my show into the theater by myself, and my friend DK showing up and carrying all my bizarre props into the theater with me.
A crazy late night show time (ah, 11:15 pm!) that only two people bought tickets to - I was setting up the show thinking, "what am I doing here?" and then a whole crowd of artists - so many beautiful faces and so many folks that I look up to - were in the audience when the curtain went up.
Getting to see shows by my friends, and being so impressed by their talent and originality and inventiveness, and feeling so lucky to be in such wonderful company.
Sitting on the sofa with Paco, with tumultuous rain pounding down around the house. Talking and talking and talking.
Arriving for a show at The Abbey, and technician, Blue Estrella saying, "I made you a whole new light cue!" so that the tuba lantern could be mysteriously illuminated on its way offstage.
Deciding to walk the mile to the theater with my sousaphone, and after just one block, the performer Blue Star leaping out of a truck ahead of me, grinning, waving me over to hop in.
Getting extremely tipsy with my host, Terry on that first night I arrived, and laughing for hours, after which it felt like we had known each other for years.
Talking about art with my friend Katie while walking around the neighborhood, and catching up on what we are making and what we want to make next. Knowing we will do this every two weeks, no matter how busy we are or where in the world we have traveled.
Coming out of my first press preview in Montreal to find several missed texts on my phone from Paco, the last of which read, "CALL ME WHEN YOU CAN!" When I called him, he put me on video and had Seth Kubersky, the reporter from the Orlando Weekly, present me with the Critic's Choice Award for Best Solo Show. I am still grinning.

What a trip. What a joy. Feeling very tired, and very grateful.