Spent a magical week a Celebration Barn in Maine with the incredible Avner Eisenberg, workshopping Ha Ha Da Vinci and studying the principles of Eccentric Performance.
A week packed with nights inside the theater experimenting with Vitruvian Man puppetry, endless discussions about art and timing and problem solving and breath, mornings waking up early and chatting with Avner over cups of coffee, long walks up and down hills, short hours of sleep in a cabin in the woods (just enough to keep me topped up on rest enough to get through the next exciting day) and then zipping back into the theater to workshop more material.
I've been wanting to study at the barn for more than a decade, and finally making it there - and with a show to workshop - was unbelievably rewarding.
I know that everything I've learned will take months to digest and - probably - even longer to incorporate into the show. So looking forward to seeing all these new ideas seep there way beautifully into Ha Ha Da Vinci and surprise me as they take flight.
Here's to the friends made at the barn.
To the late nights under the stars.
The frustrating artistic problems I haven't solved.
The moments we uncovered in the show.
The moon prop I made but won't use.
Walking into a wall trying to do a nifty slapstick move so hard I thought I had punctured a vein.
Accidental moments of humor.
Intentional moments that worked so well.
Ideals I'll never use.
Ideas I'll use forever.
So much laughing... laughing... laughing.